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Chapman's has been a family affair for 50 years!! 

The hairdressing and Barber adventures have been tremendous over the years. 


The adventures to date stem from amazing fun and artwork within the five salons that have been owned and created by the family, this now travels from the UK to Australia.


Teaching across the UK for well known brands that lead the hairdressing industry.

Heading up hair and fashion inspired runway shows and television within the UK and Australia.


The latest most exciting adventure is the creation of the hair care brand aether. 


The Chapman's team is an international family with a common passion for clean/low tox, organic, sustainable hair care and hairdressing practice within the salons. 


Providing our very own made by us aether haircare, a take home haircare is key but most importantly having an amazing brand that can support hair stylists when  they're on the tools is paramount.


We really appreciate every opportunity to service our community and thoroughly enjoy every part of hairdressing, making people feel happy and confident is key.






aether professional low chemical clean haircare crafted by us at chapmans.

aether haircare

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